At CNN News18’s Rising Bharat Summit, Sidharth recalled his struggling days before his Bollywood debut. During his early days, Siddharth reminisced about living in Juhu with two roommates, where their combined income was around 35-40,000 rupees. With a rent of 11,000 rupees, they shared a one-and-a-half-bedroom apartment. Siddharth recalled the simplicity and fun of those struggling days, sharing a half bed in the apartment’s smaller section with windows, and never spending money to install curtains during their two-year stay.
Before working as an assistant director on ‘My Name is Khan’ and starring in ‘Student of the Year,’ Sidharth Malhotra used to receive modeling offers from clothing brands. He earned around Rs 35,000 to Rs 40,000 per modeling assignment during that time.
The actor of ‘Yodha’ admitted to feigning illness to attend modeling gigs, enabling him to earn money for his rent. Sidharth Malhotra recalled fabricating excuses, claiming to be unwell to secure modeling jobs and cover his expenses. With a monthly rent of Rs 11,000, which he split with friends, he found modeling to be a lucrative source of income, earning Rs 35,000 to Rs 40,000 per assignment.
Recently, the actor was featured in ‘Yodha,’ alongside Raashii Khanna and Disha Patani, garnering immense praise for his portrayal. Following the film’s release, Sidharth Malhotra pleasantly surprised audiences by visiting cinema halls and interacting with moviegoers over the weekend. Videos capturing these moments have quickly spread across social media platforms, showcasing his connection with fans.
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