2024 was supposed to be Ajay Devgn’s year and it also began on a good note with his first film of the year Shaitaan earning more than Rs 150 crore at the Indian Box office. But it was his second film Maidaan, which put a break on his dream run at the box office.
The film, which opened on the occasion of Eid, met with an underwhelming response by earning just Rs 4.5 crore on that day.In its extended first week, Maidaan earned just Rs 28.35 crore and in the second week it added another Rs 10.25 crore into its kitty, taking its two week total collection to Rs 38.55 crore. But thanks to no big films released since Eid and even newer films like Do Aur Do Pyaar, Ruslaan and LSD 2 failing to attract the audience, Maidaan is having an extended run at the box office.
Over its third weekend, the film managed to cross the Rs 40 crore mark. On Friday the film earned Rs 75 lakh, on Saturday it collected Rs 1.5 crore and on Sunday it earned Rs 1.9 crore, taking the overall collection to Rs 42.75 crore as reported by Sacnilk, while the reported budget of the film is Rs 250 crore.
Maidaan is based on the life of Syed Abdul Rahim, the architect of the golden period of Indian football which lasted from 1952 to 1962, the film was backed by Boney Kapoor and directed by Amit Ravindernath Sharma of Badhaai Ho fame. Besides Ajay Devgn, the film also stars Priya Raj Mani, Chaitanya Sharma aka Rapper SlowCheeta and Gajraj Rao.
Ajay was supposed to have three more releases this year – Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, Raid 2 and Singham Again. And buzz is that at least one of these will be pushed to 2025.
The film, which opened on the occasion of Eid, met with an underwhelming response by earning just Rs 4.5 crore on that day.In its extended first week, Maidaan earned just Rs 28.35 crore and in the second week it added another Rs 10.25 crore into its kitty, taking its two week total collection to Rs 38.55 crore. But thanks to no big films released since Eid and even newer films like Do Aur Do Pyaar, Ruslaan and LSD 2 failing to attract the audience, Maidaan is having an extended run at the box office.
Over its third weekend, the film managed to cross the Rs 40 crore mark. On Friday the film earned Rs 75 lakh, on Saturday it collected Rs 1.5 crore and on Sunday it earned Rs 1.9 crore, taking the overall collection to Rs 42.75 crore as reported by Sacnilk, while the reported budget of the film is Rs 250 crore.
Maidaan is based on the life of Syed Abdul Rahim, the architect of the golden period of Indian football which lasted from 1952 to 1962, the film was backed by Boney Kapoor and directed by Amit Ravindernath Sharma of Badhaai Ho fame. Besides Ajay Devgn, the film also stars Priya Raj Mani, Chaitanya Sharma aka Rapper SlowCheeta and Gajraj Rao.
Ajay was supposed to have three more releases this year – Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, Raid 2 and Singham Again. And buzz is that at least one of these will be pushed to 2025.