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Glintshake – An Russian Musical Band

The organizers behind the band, Shilonosova and Gorbunov, met in Kazan. In 2011, Shilonosova moved to Moscow, where the band was framed the following year. Glintshake's most memorable EP, Freaky Man, was recorded by Shilonosova and Gorbunov and distributed to the web in June 2012. In October, a music video was delivered for the title track, "Freaky Man",starring the craftsman Alexander Krivoshapkin. The bass guitarist Dmitry Midborn and drummer Vasily Nikitin joined the band in October 2012.Each part had proactively had insight in other music projects: Shilonosova in MAKE and NV, Gorbunov in NRKTK and Stoned Young men, Midborn in Tesla Kid and In a hurry, Nikitin in Foojitsu.

Glintshake - An Russian Musical Band

The primary gig occurred in Kazan on 17 November 2012 . In Walk 2013, Glintshake delivered their second EP, Evil,[6] after which they were welcome to a few significant celebrations in Moscow: Bosco New Fest, Afisha Cookout and Countenances and Bands. In August 2013, the band opened for The Crushing Pumpkins at Arena Live in Moscow. In pre-winter 2013, Midborn left Glintshake and was supplanted by Yegor Sargsyan from the band Trud. Toward the start of 2014, drummer Nikitin was supplanted by Alexey Yevlanov from The Twiggys

In May 2014, Glintshake delivered a video for the melody "Wiuwiuwiu", which was recorded on an iPhone and altered in a solitary day. In November, the Nano Banana EP was delivered, kept in another studio close to Moscow possessed by the Xuman Records mark. As per Gorbunov, the EP was "free concerning style", because of the band getting away from its 1990s music impact. Toward the finish of 2014, Glintshake recorded the tune "New Year of Disdain" for Afisha's New Year's task.

Glintshake - An Russian Musical BandAhead of schedule in 2015, Glintshake re-recorded the tune "Mu" from the Nano Banana EP in Russian. As per Shilonosova, the first English text had little cross-over with the Russian verses, yet its significance and general environment were not changed. The re-recorded variant of "Мu" and "New Year of Disdain" were delivered on the fancy adaptation of Nano Banana in June.In September, a music video for the melody "Wrong Song of devotion" was delivered, made by the artist Alexander Kostenko.

Glintshake - An Russian Musical BandSimultaneously, that's what the band declared "past Glintshake is reaching a conclusion, however new and insidious one is getting going". In a meeting with the site Furfur, Gorbunov said that the band had chosen to pull out from 1990s elective stone impact, quit singing in English and make a full turn in work: "… We have our very own entire pack stuff: Zvuki Mu, russian vanguard." In October, Glintshake set a solitary free from an impending collection, the tune "Без пятнадцати пять" (Bez pyatnadtsati pyat', A quarter to five) alongside a music video. In November, "Тени" (Teni, Shadows) was delivered.

Glintshake - An Russian Musical BandCurrent individuals
Ekaterina Shilonosova – vocal, guitar (2012 – present)
Yevgeni Gorbunov – guitar (2012 – present)
Yegor Sargsyan – low register guitar (2013 – present)
Alexey Yevlanov – drums (2014 – present)

Glintshake - An Russian Musical Band

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