Jason Uncles is originally from the UK, and has been honing his production skills since
2009, and since then has begun the journey of the sound designer.
Uncles has achieved his first goal of releasing a track on a label and soon after started working with singers Natalie Rosei & Jan Johnson, he now wants to break into the media industry and to hone his skills as a sound designer further.
Uncles is currently studying a degree in creative sound design at the Academy of Contemporary Music.
Having recently been working with Talentsofworld, Brooklyn Beats, U-NEQ Productions and Subassembly records labels. He has also worked on tracks with singers including Kaki, Natalie Rose & Jan Johnston, having tracks featured on compilation albums such as:
– DJ Case Dance & Hands Up (05/13)’
– Evolved Version 1′
– Electrolicious, Vol. 2 (Compiled & Mixed By Dennis Bohn)
– Human Trance, Vol 11
Link to some of his Music :
1. Someone Like You ( with KAKI ) – https://talentsofworld.com/v/c29tZW9uZS1saWtlLXlvdS1vZmZpY2lhbC13b24tdGhlb3J5LWFtcC1rYWtpLXNpbmdlci1vZmZpY2lhbC12aWRlbw–
2. Forest ( Won Theory REMIX ) – https://talentsofworld.com/v/c2NodW1hbm4tYW1wLXNvdmEtZmVhdC1uYXRhbGllLXJvc2UtZm9yZXN0LXRoZS13b24tdGhlb3J5LXJlbWl4LQ–
3. Neon Midnight- https://soundcloud.com/jasonsan-uncles/neon-sunrise-the-w0n-theory
Listen More Of His Music at :
9xm.tv : https://talentsofworld.com/talentonline.Tv/tags_post/The%20WON%20Theory
SoundCloud : https://soundcloud.com/jasonsan-uncles
Beatport : https://www.beatport.com/artist/the-w0n-theory/341671
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/53Q88MSeh6o9689gkl5kEt
ITunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/the-w0n-theory/id661062119
Visit his Profile at : https://talentsofworld.com/W0n_Theory
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wontheory/
IMDb : https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8301172/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jasonuncles/