Hrithikalong with Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi and director Siddharth Anand were seen at a theatre as the closing credits rolled and fans were delighted to see them. They shook hands with the audience, and were all smiles to hear feedback from them. The ‘Fighter’ team also took selfies with them. However, leading lady Deepika Padukone gave it a miss! Hrithik shared this video on social media and wrote, “And it’s done! This is why I do what I do. So happy seeing these smiling faces. Thank you so much for all the love! ❤️”
Anil Kapoor was seen in a black jacket with t-shirt and pants, while Hrithik was seen in a casual checkered shirt. Fans have given a great response to the performance of all the actors in the film, especially Hrithik and Deepika.
Many industry insiders have also showered love on the film. However, some fans are disappointed as a romantic track featuring Hrithik and DP has been censored from the film which released in India. It’s there in the overseas version and has now gone viral. Fans think the makers should have unveiled this track before the release instead of ‘Ishq Jaisa Kuch‘.
‘Fighter’ is expect to make Rs 100 crore in the first four days of its release.