The senior actor, who is commonly referred to as ‘Bhidu’, has turned a year older today and his superstar son Tiger Shroff was amongst the first ones to wish him. Taking to Instagram stories, Tiger shared a magazine cover from the 90s, where Jackie is seen posing with him and his sister Krishna when both were little kids. Wishing his father Tiger wrote, “Happy Birthday to the best human and best dad. Love you so much (with a heart emoji)”.
The father son duo, who have shared screen space in ‘Baaghi 3’, are gearing up to share the frame once again and this time for Rohit Shetty’s next. Tiger and Jackie are the newest additions to Rohit’s cop universe ‘Singham Again’, which is set for release on August 15.
Jackie Shroff broke into the big league with Subhash Ghai’s Hero, nearly 40 years ago. He then went on to rule the 90s and early 2000s with films like Parinda, Ram Lakhan, Khal Nayak, Yudh and Rangeela to name a few. And soon after he settled into doing supporting roles and even there he worked wonders with films like Happy New Year, Radhe . Dhoom 3 etc.