After earning in single digit numbers from Monday to Friday, ‘Fighter’ made Rs 10 crore on Saturday and around Rs 12.5 crore on Sunday, bringing a total second weekend total up to Rs 22.5 crore.With that, the total collection of the film so far is around Rs 175.25 crore as per
As everyone is praising this unprecedented growth of the movie, Anil Kapoor’s son, shared a tweet and came in support of the film. Harsh wrote, “People were too eager to write the film off on Monday .. will keep going in multiplexes all of February at decent levels and hopefully will cross 200 Cr nett domestic + huge overseas”
Director Siddharth Anand had opened up on the film’s average performance during a chat with Galatta Plus and said, “There is a huge percentage of our country, I would say, 90 per cent, who have not flown in planes, who have not been to an airport, so how would they know what’s happening in the movie? This is my dissection. They felt this is a little alien. They didn’t understand what kind of exhilaration they are supposed to feel in the air action, so there is a certain initial disconnect. But once you enter the theatre, you realise this is such a basic film.”
This statement also has not gone down too well with the masses of the country!