Amidst the glitz and glamour of the most prestigious night, all eyes turned to Rosé, the renowned Korean member of K-pop group Blackpink, as she graced the red carpet of the 2024 Oscars Vanity Fair After Party. She was dressed in an exquisite caramel gown crafted by none other than Saint Laurent.
A longstanding muse and close confidante of the esteemed French fashion house, Rosé has continually captivated audiences with her fearless approach to fashion, embracing Anthony Vacarello’s visionary designs.As she stepped onto the red carpet, Rosé’s gown mesmerized onlookers with its graceful silhouette, featuring a trailing bow elegantly tied at the back and cascading into a swirl of fabric that gracefully adorned the floor with every step she took.
With her signature blonde locks pulled back into a sleek ponytail, Rosé perfectly blended chic vibes with a touch of edgy sophistication. She accessorized the dress by donning a pair of sleek black sunglasses. To complete her look, Rosé adorned her wrist with a statement-making golden cuff.
Fans took to social media to express their awe at Rosé’s stunning appearance. With comments like “For the nth time, she is so flawless!” and “Never beating the allegations oh my barbieeee”, it’s clear that Rosé’s fashion game is on point. One fan exclaimed, “This look is just everything omg Rosé it’s just serve after serve after serve”, while another marveled, “Rosé’s face card is insane OMG”.
A longstanding muse and close confidante of the esteemed French fashion house, Rosé has continually captivated audiences with her fearless approach to fashion, embracing Anthony Vacarello’s visionary designs.As she stepped onto the red carpet, Rosé’s gown mesmerized onlookers with its graceful silhouette, featuring a trailing bow elegantly tied at the back and cascading into a swirl of fabric that gracefully adorned the floor with every step she took.
With her signature blonde locks pulled back into a sleek ponytail, Rosé perfectly blended chic vibes with a touch of edgy sophistication. She accessorized the dress by donning a pair of sleek black sunglasses. To complete her look, Rosé adorned her wrist with a statement-making golden cuff.
Fans took to social media to express their awe at Rosé’s stunning appearance. With comments like “For the nth time, she is so flawless!” and “Never beating the allegations oh my barbieeee”, it’s clear that Rosé’s fashion game is on point. One fan exclaimed, “This look is just everything omg Rosé it’s just serve after serve after serve”, while another marveled, “Rosé’s face card is insane OMG”.