Sandeep Ranade
Sandeep Ranade (alias “Naadrang” born 1981) is an Indian Classical khayal vocalist from Pune. He became internationally recognized for his composition about coronavirus, “Na Corona Karo,” which went viral on social media. Ranade is regarded for his work about the techniques, aesthetics, and philosophy of music articulated as a contemporary “naad yoga”.
Born in Bangalore, Ranade began learning music at an early age and gave his first public performance at age 6. He studied computer software and engineering at University of Pune and Johns Hopkins University, later working at Microsoft and Google. Ranade performed music extensively across North America during that time. He later returned to Pune to focus on music, teach, and build a start-up.
Ranade frequently gives performances and has performed throughout North America and India. As a supporting vocalist, he has accompanied Pandit Jasraj twice at the Sawai Gandharva Sangeet Mahotsav.
Click the image to listen to the song.
Coronavirus Song
On March 18, 2020, Ranade spontaneously composed a song in Raag Basant, “Na Corona karo,” about how to prevent transmitting the coronavirus just as Indian public health officials began implementing curfews. Widely circulated on WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Ranade’s song won praise for its creativity and clear message about how to stay safe.
Popular musicians like A. R. Rahman, Pandit Jasraj, Shankar Mahadevan, Daler Mehndi, Adnan Sami, Shubha Mudgal, Meeta Pandit, and others publicly praised Ranade for his composition and singing. Ranade was named alongside other pop musicians who worked to raise awareness about COVID-19 prevention. Ranade appeared on several media outlets to discuss his song and why hygiene and social distancing are so important to prevent the virus from spreading.
Imagine an app that can guide your notes, play music like an expert, respond to your music intelligently, creatively and aesthetically, all in real-time, and record multiple tracks, mix, bounce, and publish too!
NaadSadhana for iOS passes the ‘musical Turing test’ – after the video ‘Na Corona Karo‘ went viral and was appreciated by musical geniuses like Padma Vibhushan Sangeet Martand Pandit Jasraj, A. R. Rahman, Daler Mehndi, Adnan Sami, Pt. Ulhas Kashalkar, Pt. Suresh Talwalkar, Shubha Mudgal, and many celebrities, musicians, actors, and media people.
They also praised the tabla, swarmandal, and harmony (strings, piano) accompaniment, thinking that they were played by human experts!
Created by Sandeep Ranade, NaadSadhana for iOS is a one-of-a-kind app that marries Artificial Intelligence with Music to create Evolution, truly bringing ‘Gurukul’ into the Digital Age.
Click the image to watch all video of Naadrang
Naadyoga (Yoga of Sound) is a highly optimized system of learning and practice created by Sandeep Ranade. Its 7 levels cover every vocal capability that will help you create nuanced and powerful emotion effortlessly in any genre of music. Naadyoga compresses 10+ hours of practice time in 1 hour.
This unique online course squeezes in 20+ years of experience and will transform you from a seed of potential to a universe of possibilities in less than a year with one hour of practice a day.
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